Morgan Guitar


Here are some links to good friends of mine who have their own web sites:

Chuck Brown Chuck Brown - Perhaps the most gifted songwriter of our time (truly a legend in his own mind!). He's the driving force behind virtually every other place my music appears on the Internet. He has 2 wonderful piano albums. Someday Kenny Rogers is going to record one of Chuck's songs and we'll all live happily ever after!

Adam Rafferty - I played a gig with Adam not long ago. Even though he calls New York City is home. There was no "big city" attitude, just a big time love for music and entertaining. He has some amazing arrangements of Michael Jackson song. Be sure to check out his site and his great playing!

Fred Haring Fred Haring - Fred has a great advantage over some of us doing this "music thing." He doesn't just write great songs, he actually looks like a singer/songwriter. I've tried to get the Granny K art department to electronically put his hair on my photo but they wouldn't go for it.

Stark Raven

Stark Raven and Changeling - Central Ohio is fortunate to have a number of great Celtic musicians. In addition to Yankee Celtic Consort, Stark Raven and Gabriel Hounds are two groups who can get your feet moving then break your heart with a gorgeous melody. Beckie Boger plays flute for Stark Raven. She also played flute on Stories and did a great job - even in the key of C#!

Kevin Ryan Kevin Ryan - and I were in an acoustic group years and years ago. Several of us in the group also worked together as carpenters. Kevin and I used to have races to see who could nail mahogany flooring the fastest. The contest usually ended with both of us laughing hysterically while writhing on the floor with flattened thumbs If he tells you he was faster don't believe it! Since those glorious days he has gone on to become one of the most highly regarded guitar makers on the scene today. I used one of his guitars for most of the songs on Stories.

More Friends' Sites

Ceili Rain
Ceili Rain
Randy Clepper
Randy Clepper
Tim Cummiskey
Tim Cummiskey
Bill Dutcher
Bill Dutcher
Jim Earp
Jim Earp
Christian Howes
Christian Howes
Alison Kitchen
Alison Kitchen
Eric Loy
Eric Loy
Bill Malonee
Bill Mallonee
Noelle Shearer
Noelle Shearer
Jim Volk
Jim Volk
Brooks Williams
Brooks Williams
Patrick Woods
Patrick Woods