Morganguitar.com Home Page
What will you find on MorganGuitar.com? Lots of guitar stuff: Fingerstyle acoustic guitar mostly but really any kind of guitar: six string , twelve string, acoustic-electric, acoustic, resophonic, steel guitar, slide guitar, rock guitar, folk guitar, blues guitar any kind of guitar. Even with its quirky limitations it is a fantastic instrument with endless possibilities. Check the blog for the latest update. I'm posting regularly.
MorganGuitar.com is also about stories. Stories related to the musical life and also stories about just plain life. Because just plain life isn't all that plain.
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Tuning out Cancer, Tuning into Hope, is a recollection of my adventures in the world of healing music. In these stories you will meet a dancing dentist, an Elvis impersonator, professional zombies, people from South America, China, Egypt, and Algeria and you will stand on the threshold of eternity. Yes, there will be tears but also an abundance of hope and encouragement delivered through music and personal connection. The purpose of this book is to bring comfort to cancer patients, their friends and families. Along with this is a strong secondary motivation. It's an invitation for musicians to step into a meaningful musical opportunities hidden in plain sight.
Paperback $14.99 / eBook $4.99
